Open Knowledge Belgium

The Chest Project – Call for ideas

Pieter-Jan Pauwels


CHEST (Collective enHanced Environment for Social Tasks) is a Collaborative project with support from the European Commission and since 31st January 2014 they’ve opened up a call for ideas.

The aim of the project is to promote the development of digital based innovations that have the potential to address key societal challenges. In addition to the creation of an online community platform that will facilitate the sharing and exchanging of ideas, CHEST will invest up to €2.5 Million in highly innovative ideas through the launch of two open funding rounds. Social entrepreneurs will be invited to not only propose new ideas with the potential to receive support but also evaluate and discuss the ideas of others with highest rated projects selected for funding.

Call 1 Award of up to €6K to investigate an innovative idea

This call supports projects that seek to explore the technical feasibility, social impact potential or commercial viability of an idea. Activities could include:

  • initial planning to take the project to prototype, including assessing costs, timescales and funding requirements
  • market research regarding the need and feasibility of the idea
  • assessment of the innovation and competitive landscape

Applications will be submitted via the CHEST platform and assessed by the CHEST Community with a crowd-sourcing approach. The deadline for submissions to Call 1 is 17:00 CET on the 30th April 2014.

Interested but don’t know what to contribute to? We could still use some work on the iRail API. So if you’re interested on working with us in bringing a good transport API to Belgian Commuters, let us know.

Do check the guidelines and send your idea to the Chest Project


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Cantersteen 12
1000 Brussels
BE 0845 419 930

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